Project+ Exam Passed — Next up are the New A+ Exams

Well it wasn’t beautiful, but once again a “pass is a pass.” SeeĀ Project Plus Score Sheet. Lots of questions on this exam were not adequately covered in the exam objectives or the textbook I used (see my previous post where I identified the resources used).

Time to move on, although my move is going to be slowed a bit because I want to make sure I take both of the new A+ exams together (220-1001 and 220-1002). Because of a weather related extension, CompTIA’s “train-the-trainer” online class for the Core 2 (220-102) exam will not be completed until mid-March. Once I knock those two exams off I’ll be moving to the new Linux+ exam that is expected to go live in March. However, I’m planning to take the “train-the-trainer” online class for that certification exam, so I do not expect to take the actual exam until late spring.