Success on the VCP IaaS Exam (Now a VCP-Cloud Certified Professional)

Took and passed the VMware VCPVCD510 certification exam today. There is a bit of confusion relative to the effects of this exam, but from what I’ve been able to figure out through research, passing this exam gives me the VMware’s VCP-Cloud certification. The path I took to reach this certification was to pass the Data Center Virtualization (VCP5-DCV) certification exam prior to taking today’s exam. My scoring report is shown below. The exam was a bit challenging, simply because there are so many components involved and each of them are interrelated and have related dependencies.

I’m going to purposely slow down on my certification efforts, likely focusing on CompTIA’s Mobility+ certification next.


VMware Cloud Certification and Deputy Sector Navigator Responsibilities

For the past three days I have been attending a CCCAOE Leadership Academy, learning about a variety of things that will relate to my new position that officially begins tomorrow as the Deputy Sector Navigator (Information and Communications Technology / Digital Media) for the North Region (aka Greater Sacramento Region) of California. I have to admit this was a challenging effort. Below is the “certificate” I received.

CTE-EWD Master Certificate

In terms of certification, I have registered to take VMware’s Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) certification exam this Friday. If I’m successful in passing this exam, with the VCP-DCV certification already under my belt I will obtain the VCP-Cloud certification. I’m going to really hit the study effort tomorrow and see if I can gain a better understanding of the exam objectives and keep my fingers crossed that I’m adequately prepared for the exam.